Artists > Theresa Politowicz

Theresa Politowicz-Heires brings amazing detail to wildlife watercolour art. Her beautiful glimpses into the unique intricacies of nature offer perspective of the mystical world that surrounds us. This has been her life’s work, to bring the beauty of the smallest creatures of nature to all that love and appreciate it. Originally trained as an industrial artist, Theresa blends both her industrial and fine arts training to create her unique pieces.
Welcome to a worlds where insects come alive in stunning 3-D mixed-media sculptures, worn as artistic jewelry or presented in shadow-box displays.Theresa loves bugs. She loves all things nature, great and small, but entomology has always intrigued her. She has spent years studying and sharing the intricacies of the insect world in her paintings, and now, in her scuptures.Every shaow-box display and each jewlry piece is an original mixed-media sculpture by Theresa Politowicz-H. Insect wings are individually hand-drawn, cut, painted and sculpted. Using a combination of paint, ink, pigment, and powder, Theresa captures the tiniest details in the most delicate insect wings. Glass, metal and stone beads build the bodies of the individual creature. No insects were harmed in the production of these sculptures.
Theresa would also lke to invite you into her whimsical world of sharply-dressed creatures that enjoy a sophisticated palate. Each elegant subject of her painting is featured in the natural surroundings and plants of which their beveragess are made. Reminisent of childhood stories, these paintings both celebrate the beauty of nature and offer an sofisticated fabled world of jubilance and libations.
You should always avoid hanging or storing artwork of any kind in direct sunlight, or in high humidity rooms. All rights to copyright, publish, reproduce, (in any form) or license artwork by Theresa Politowicz-H remains solely to the artist unless otherwise granted by Theresa Politowicz-H in writing.
Welcome to the magical, whimsical world of Theresa Politowicz-Heires.